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Attended AI Is the Future of Customer Service. Here’s What That Means for Brands.

July 14, 2022
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Below is an excerpt from Laivly CEO Jeff Fettes’ article for Fast Company.

“Companies have tried for decades to get customer service right. For years, brands naively believed that moving customer service functions to apps and chatbots—by which routine issues ranging from password changes to package tracking could be resolved quickly—was an inexpensive solution for addressing the lion’s share of customer service woes.

As it turns out, customers experience enough thorny issues to necessitate keeping a stable of contact center agents. Apps and chatbots can only handle simple tasks, which isn’t particularly useful if a customer is angry or has a complicated problem. There are even some who claim bots are downright bad for customer service.

Nonetheless, widespread dissatisfaction with customer service endures, and industry workers are experiencing significant burnout. A 2021 study by Digital Information World found that up to three-quarters of customers are generally dissatisfied with customer service. So how can brands change the status quo? The advent of attended AI—also known as attended bots—offers one such opportunity.”

Click here to keep reading at Fast Company and learn four things brands can expect as attended AI continues to gain popularity in contact centers around the world.

Ready to find out how Laivly’s AI-powered attended automation can transform your contact center? Request a demo today.

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