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Scaling Intelligent Automation

September 11, 2019

Embracing change is part of the technology era we now live in. Tech solutions, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent automation (IA), are changing the way businesses function. However, implementing these solutions is not easy, and scaling them across your organization can be challenging.

Companies should focus their efforts on three key pillars for a seamless integration of intelligent automation: process, technology, and people. These pillars are the foundation of your company, and should be used to guide decision making.

When it comes to process, the first step is understanding if your company is ready for process automation. It’s important to look at how automation would affect different areas of your business, and determine which areas would benefit the most. Creating a roll-out plan is the next step. This will help you determine the order in which you implement automation, and how it can be executed. By starting with areas of the business where IA can easily be implemented, you can gain buy-in from your workforce. When it comes time to scale the automation further, they are already on board with the idea after seeing the successful initial roll-out.

The second pillar, technology, is ultimately the foundation for change. Implementing scalable automation means having a thorough evaluation process to determine what technology to use and from what vendor. The idea is to end up with an integrated platform of technologies that are capable of processing documents while also automating activities, among various other functions specific to your company’s needs.

Having the right people leading the charge for change is the final key success factor when it comes to scaling IA. Making big changes in the workplace can be challenging, but with the right team supporting your automation program, the implementation process should be smooth. A few things to keep in mind are the training and tools your team will need to ensure the change is received positively. All employees should have the opportunity to understand how the automation works and why it will improve the business.

By focusing on these three pillars of process, technology, and people, your business will be on track for scaling intelligent automation. Check out this article to learn more.

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